Day December 11, 2018

How Experts Spot Forged Paintings

Insane prices in the art market make art forgery a potentially high-profit business. So how do art buyers tell real undiscovered artworks from fakes? To analyze and identify forgeries, experts must apply their knowledge of art history, plus the science…

Use the 10/10/10 Rule Before Making a Decision 

Photo: Eran Menashri What’s your favorite mental hack? How do you trick your dumb human brain into doing its job right? Hacker News, a forum for people too nerdy for Reddit, traded their favorite tricks in a thread started by…

A treetop house with a rooftop design

Designed to tickle your childlike fancy, the Treetop Cabin models itself on the concept of a treehouse, and the stylings of a triangular prefab. Designed with an A-shaped roof that travels downwards to become the wall, the house would, at…

Jimmy Kimmel challenges millennials to open a can of tuna

When everything’s going wrong and your industry’s sinking, who you gonna blame? Uhh, uhhhhh, millennials? Sure. According to a controversial report in the Wall Street Journal, the canned tuna industry is in trouble, with a giant finger pointed at millennials…

The Bucket Just Got Better

Ever tried to fill a big bucket in a tiny sink? If so, you know that it’s impossible to use the bucket’s full capacity because of the tilt. Even worse, if the sink is too small, you might not be…