Day February 6, 2017

Take a Quick Tour of the Mind-Boggling Universe of Mathematics

Image: Dominic Walliman/YouTube Math is often considered synonymous with pain, boredom and frustration. It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “ugh, it’s like doing math.” But math is beautiful in theory, miraculous when applied, and awe-inspiring at every turn. Even…

Designers create Ikea instructions for Trump’s $20 billion border wall

The Pastillon’s fake ad for a “Börder Wåll.” The Pastillon Assembling an Ikea bookshelf may be difficult, but designers from the satirical site The Pastillon have envisioned Ikea instructions for a project that looks truly back-breaking: Trump’s border wall. They created a tongue-in-cheek ad for a “Börder Wåll,”…

Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online

Back in the day, before I was recording any of The School of Greatness episodes on video, I made a random video about the top 10 ways to make money online. Now this was two years ago, but the feedback was awesome — people…

Scientists map every atom inside a nanoparticle

Even the smallest defects can create serious problems. It’s a good thing, then, that researchers have found a way to map nanoparticles at an "unprecedented" level of detail — they’ve located the 3D positions of all 23,000 atoms in an…

Zap away period cramps with this tiny device

Livia is a small vibrating device that claims to cure menstrual cramps by distracting nerves that carry pain signals to the brain. Livia should not be used with a pacemaker or heart rhythm problem. Read more… More about Real Time…